Hello once again Dead Tree Fans!
We are here today to talk about some of our upcoming plans at GenCon 2025!
As we said in our previous update we are attending GenCon and it's going to be our most packed and intense GenCon to date. So we figured we talk about things as they get set up and confirmed.
Currently the only thing confirmed at GenCon 2025 is our presence in the First Exposure Play Test Hall. However while we have confirmation from GenCon that we are taking part, that is where the information ends. We know what we are presenting and how our slots will go, but we want to get some ducks in a row more, before we talk about it in detail.
What we are instead wanting to talk about today are the adventure one shots we are running. While we have submitted all of our event requests and are waiting for GenCon to confirm them in the next couple of months, we would say that these events are pretty safe to talk about considering we run one shots every year.
So if you run it every year what makes it so special this time around?
What an excellent question you have asked. Honestly the short answer is not a lot. Its standard run of the mill sit down and play our game with pregen characters while we GM it. What makes it different is that this year we have extended the play time from 4 hours, to 5 hours. Why might you ask? Another excellent question! This year, our dames of Asstoria Playtests on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, are going to be used to playtest chapters in our upcoming adventure module, Cult of the Patriarch. Each day we will be playtesting a different chapter. Some will be combat focused, some dungeon diving, some puzzle focused, and even some balanced for all three. Our hope is to get some feedback on the general premise of each chapter, as well as to see how running the chapter plays as written without interpretations, and sticking to the script! However, because we are playtesting sections of the campaign the beginnings and ends won't be wrapping everything up in a pretty little bow, but more likely leaving you on a cliff hanger. These campaign segments also may not be identical to the same chapters in the finished module we are looking to crowdfund in 2026, as things may change and get rewritten and improved upon based on YOUR feedback.
Sunday we will be running a demo game of Daughters of L.A.M. Our Cyber-Nuns with guns game that we recently released. This game will be more like the usual games we run at GenCon, with a 4 hour time slot, and running fun short one shots with a tangible
So keep an eye out for when GenCon announces their scheduled events as we will be right there to let you know in what room they are going to be in and where to sign up!
We look forward to seeing you at GenCon 2025 and hope you will have as much fun enjoying our events as we did planning and preparing for them! Until next time dames! and look forward to the Cult of the Patriarch Adventure Path, do you have what it takes to seize your destiny and grasp your freedom with your own two paws?