Fun at GenCon!

Greetings everyone! We have returned triumphantly from GenCon in Indianapolis. We had a blast, met up with old friends in the industry and even met some new friends!

We played a lot of demos for Dames as well as some other games, and it went awesomely! Both of the Dames games we ran were packed with new and returning players! We even had our Saturday game in the Convention Hall proper instead of tucked away to the side like last year!

We play tested Daughters of L.A.M, or Do.L.A.M, our "nuns with guns" project that uses a rules light version of the Dames of Asstoria system. It also was packed.

We playtested Voidwhale, a card game about hunting a moby-dick esque whale in SPACE. Last year when we played it we only had two people show up, however this year we had eight out of our ten slots filled, so that was exciting. And we received TONNES of good feedback on the game.

Lastly we played a game of Zenith, a Future Space RPG that shares the same universe as Voidwhale. Its something we have been cooking on the back burner, anytime we feel burnt out with the mainline stuff. It is currently not something we are actively focused on, however we brought it out to playtest the pre-alpha and see how things are going. We had like 3 people show up, which was a plesent surprise and all had fun!

We also met the wonderful folks at Lightning Wizards publishing. We suggest you check them out at their website here:  or their Discord! They are building a cool modular game system titled "WEIRD". 


Future Plans

Now with the Gencon spiel over we do want to talk a little bit about future plans. Currently we have been producing things between our busy day to day work lives. With some steady drips of content Which is still the case. However we are switching things into the next gear and push some things out by the end of the year, so we can focus on a MASSIVE project that may take the next year or two.

So first up, we are reworking the Dames of Asstoria game a little. There has been a lot of excellent feedback we received since release. things that weren't a focus for our early playtesters as we built the system. What does this mean? For you not a whole lot, we will be releasing an errata with the important updates for free, but in addition to this, anyone who has purchased a physical or digital copy of Dames of asstoria will receive a new digital copy for free. The digital purchases will be easy to update, those who bought physical copies will be more challenging, so we ask you bear with us.... You're also welcome to Falcon... or Owl too if you would prefer. We are hoping to release this update sometime in November.

Secondly we are planning to release Do.L.A.M. in November or December. Considering that it is a rules light game, and uses A.I. Art we are deciding to release the game for free. Most of what is needed is done, and just needs us to finalize some things and then format the final PDF. So look forward to it!

The last thing we are focusing on is a MASSIVE level 1 to level 10 adventure module called Cult of the Patriarch. We have play tested the ideas bouncing around in our head a number of times, and are now putting everything to paper. Currently we have the first chapter of this 10 chapter (one per level) adventure module written and it is over 60 pages of manuscripts! This will be our main focus after the CRB rework and DoLAM release, and we expect it to take one to two years to work through. Once we have the manuscript written we will be making a larger announcement about the project with art, printing plans, crowdfunding etc. but we want to get the actual story on paper in its entirety before we get to that point. We may release some smaller projects some friends/contractors work on, but come december we are probably going dark on the smaller releases to work on Cult of the Patriarch.

Oh on a side note we are planning on going to PAX Unplugged in December so look forward to that announcement! Tickets are bought and hotels booked so we are looking forward to playing with you at PAX!

That's all the important stuff for now. Hopefully the next Blog post isn't so far off. Our biggest problem is forgetting that Shopify has the blogs lol.


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